Types of Equity Shares-What are the Types of Equity Shares-Benefits of Equity Shares-Different Types of Equity Shares-FinancePlusInsurance

Top 12 – Best Types of Equity Shares

When discussing enterprises and stocks, “equity shares” is one of the most frequently use jargon expressions. “Shares” or “stocks” are terms use to represent the unit of account that indicates how much equity each shareholder holds. The total amount of money a firm must return to its shareholders when it ceases operations is refer to as its “equity.” Let us understand the top different types of equity shares in this topic.

You can also read best types of stocks for additional knowledge purpose. One of the most essential rights that equity owners possess is the power to vote. These shareholders have the right to vote on significant company matters, such as who should serve on the board of directors. However, the voting power of each equity share may vary based on the type of equity share it is. On the other hand, one share of stock is often equivalent to one vote.

Different Types of Equity Shares

Most investors do not view dividends as the primary benefit of owning equity shares. Instead, they view appreciation in value as the primary reward. When prices are high, investors attempt to sell their stock shares, but when prices are low, they attempt to purchase. With this method, investors can maximize the return on their various types of stock shares. Here is a list of the different types of equity shares mention below:

Paid-up Capital

The amount of cash shareholders have contributed to a corporation in exchange for equity is refer to as its “paid-up capital.” Since stockholders typically pay the entire sum at once, “subscribed equity” and “paid-up equity” have the same meaning.

The difference between the market price of a share of stock and its intrinsic worth is refer to as the share’s premium. The predicted rates of return for equity shares and their subcategories can be use to categorize equity shares and their subcategories.

Right Types of Equity Shares 

Right shares are a provision that allows existing shareholders to purchase more shares of a company at a predetermined price within a specified time frame. In other words, right shares are newly issued equities that can only be purchase by the issuer’s existing shareholders prior to being offer for sale to the general public. This occurs prior to the corporation that created the shares selling them to the general public.

Companies distribute right shares similarly to how they distribute bonus shares. If the company issued a total of 4,000 shares, a shareholder who owns 2% of the company’s present lot would be entitle to 80 of the new shares. This is based on the assumption that the corporation will distribute a total of 4,000 shares.

Voting and Non-voting shares

Because they indicate ownership, the majority of these types of equity shares include voting rights. On the other hand, corporations can sell shares with the stipulation that the shareholder has limited or no voting power.

This year, Tata Motors, for instance, issued “A” shares with the stipulation that 10 of these shares would be equivalent to one vote. This rule was contained in the documentation use to sell the stock. This is an illustration of how the right to vote differently operates. Despite this, it caused the profit share of these companies to increase by 5 percentage points compared to the identical ordinary stocks.

Subscribed Share capital

The term “subscribed capital” refers to the entire amount of issued capital purchased by investors. If investors purchased 15,000 shares of the company’s stock in the situation mentioned above, the company’s subscribed capital would be Rs. 15 lakhs. If all of the shares that a firm has sold are bought, the company’s subscribed equity and issued equity will be the same.

Authorized Types of Equity Share Capital

As per the law of Organization of every limited liability company, the authorized share capital must be specified. A business can generate sufficient profits by selling enough stock to the general public. However, corporations have a number of options for increasing their authorized share capital.

Issued Share Capital

The entire value of all of a company’s outstanding shares based on their face value. If a firm has given away 40,000 shares of stock, and each share has a nominal value of Rs. 10, then the corporation has given away Rs. 4 lakhs worth of issued share capital.

Dividend Types of Equity Stocks

This category often contains shares of publicly traded corporations with a reputation for consistently paying dividends. These firms have existed for a long time and have established a reliable cash stream. Therefore, investors seeking to reduce their overall risk may consider purchasing dividend-paying equities.

Bonus Types of Equity Shares

As the name implies, bonus shares are free stock that is distribute to stockholders. By issuing bonus shares, a firm can convert its retained earnings into equity for its shareholders. Typically, firms do not distribute dividends to shareholders. Instead, these stockholders receive bonus shares. When firms do this, they frequently distribute bonus shares based on the number of shares each individual already owns.

Consider Mr. Shah, who owns 200 shares of Hindustan Unilever Ltd., and the company’s decision to distribute 1:4 as a bonus. In this situation, Mr. Shah would receive 50 additional shares immediately.

ESOPs (Employee Stock Options)

ESOPs, or employee stock ownership plans, are a tool that businesses can utilise to attract and retain talented workers. An employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) is a plan that allows employees to purchase employer shares at a later period and predetermined price. These shares are grant to employees and directors of the company who exercised their ESOP grant options.

Growth / Bullish Stocks

When an investor purchases a growth stock, they do so with the hope that the underlying firm will see above-average growth in its industry. Instead of dividends, investors in these companies frequently see substantial capital appreciation when they own equity shares. If you are willing to assume a great deal of risk, you may wish to purchase these share classes.

Investing in the Sweat Equity Shares

As a kind of compensation for a job well done, companies frequently award employees and directors with sweat equity shares. Literally translated, “sweat equity” refers to an individual’s contribution to a business, which is nearly never monetary.

Therefore, sweat equity shares types are stock that is provided to individuals in exchange for their labor. It is common practice to offer employees a part in the company’s ownership or assets in an effort to prevent them from quitting their jobs. This is done in an effort to increase staff loyalty to the organization.

Value Equity Shares Types

A stock is consider to be trading at a discount when its present price is less than its true value. If you are a value investor who believes the market will eventually catch up with these stocks and drive up their price, you may wish to consider purchasing them.


Additionally, corporations can issue “preferred shares,” which differ from “common stock.” However, these different types of equity shares are the primary means through which a firm might recruit investors. In most instances, stockholder rights include the right to vote and the right to earn dividends. However, these rights may vary from company to company. The fact that shareholders are personally liable for the company’s obligations up to the amount of their equity investment is one of the largest drawbacks of equity shares.