Hedge Fund-Meaning-What are Hedge Funds-Examples of Hedge Funds-Advantages-Limitations of Hedge Mutual Funds-Features-Benefits of Hedge Funds-FinancePlusInsurance

Hedge Fund – Meaning, Examples, Features, Benefits

Hedge funds are investment pools whose managers employ a range of tactics, such as utilizing borrowed money to buy and sell “exotic” assets, in an attempt to earn higher returns than their investors’ typical rate of return. Alternative sources of capital carry greater inherent risk. Let us understand the meaning of hedge fund with examples, features and benefits in this topic.

Because hedge funds are relatively new and less popular than other forms of mutual funds, they are not as well-known. They, too, utilize a pool of funds from numerous sources. However, they employ more intricate tactics to “hedge” their bets and increase their profits. This essay will provide an in-depth examination of hedge funds and describe their meteoric rise to popularity in India.

Meaning of Hedge Fund

The term “hedging” is derived from the realm of finance and refers to protecting oneself against potential financial losses. Hedge funds invest the capital they receive from “accredited investors. Who are describe as financial institutions, insurance companies, rich individuals and families, as well as educational and humanitarian organizations.

Due to this, the majority of these funds are structure as limited liability firms or partnerships that engage in overseas markets. These vehicles are not require to be register with the SEBI or have their NAVs routinely disclosed to the public.

The portfolio of a hedge fund may contain investments in a variety of assets, including derivatives, equities, bonds, currencies, and convertible securities, to mention a few. In light of this, we classify them as “alternative investments.” For investors funds to be “hedged” against turbulent market conditions, they need a diverse, aggressively managed portfolio of assets.

The majority of equities mutual funds do not employ the same level of leverage as these. They have both long and short positions in the equity and derivative markets (listed and unlisted).

How Does Hedge Funds Work?

Instead of reflecting the performance of the market, hedge fund returns reflect the performance of the fund management. The objective of investment professionals in this country is to shield their customers’ assets from the unpredictability of the market while maximising their clients’ returns.

They concentrate on specific segments of the market to expose themselves to a greater variety of risks. Hedge fund managers can invest in a variety of ways, including but not limited to the following: Sell option contracts. When a manager sells shares on the market with the expectation that their value will decrease, he or she will be able to purchase those shares at a lower price in the future.

Arbitrage is a method of making money even when the pricing of assets are illogical or contradictory. Managers are adept at utilizing this to their advantage. Major market events such as acquisitions, mergers, and spin-offs, among others, might influence the investment decisions of a manager. Consider purchasing equities that are being sold at extremely low costs.

This is due to the fact that corporations in dire financial straits may attempt to raise capital by selling their shares at extremely low prices. The manager is considering all of his alternatives and may ultimately decide to purchase something.

Hedge Fund Examples

A person who wishes to invest may additionally consider additional variables that either limit the number of funds they can consider or assist them in locating funds that match their particular needs. The following hedge funds are among the most well-known in terms of their overall assets under management (AUM):

  • New York-based Two Sigma Investments, founded in 2001 by industry veterans David Siegel and John Overdeck, has more than $66 billion in AUM as of March 2021, making it one of the most successful hedge funds in the world. The organization’s structure was design so that it could respond rapidly and effectively to market developments, without being constrained by a single investment strategy.
  • Paul Singer, the head of Elliott Management Corporation as of June 2021, was in charge of $48 billion in assets. Since 1977, the fund has been in existence. It has been refer to as a “vulture fund” since it invests heavily in distressed securities, such as the debt of insolvent nations. However, the approach has been effective for a number of years.
  • Bridgewater Associates remains one of the world’s most successful hedge funds. It is administer by Ray Dalio. The company’s headquarters are located in Connecticut, and it employs a worldwide macro investment approach. More than 1,500 individuals are employed in the company’s many departments. Bridgewater’s clientele include numerous national governments and central banks from throughout the globe.
  • The majority of individuals agree that James H. Simon’s Renaissance Technologies is one of the world’s greatest hedge funds. The fund has existed since 1982, although its strategy has evolved significantly over time to accommodate technological advancements. The computer models and quantitative algorithms that drive Renaissance’s systematic trading have helped the company earn a solid reputation in recent years.

Features of Hedge Fund

In addition to standard assets such as real estate and derivatives, different types of hedge funds provide access to non-traditional investments such as fine art and wine. Many people adopt tactics that entail borrowing money, known as “leverage,” in order to boost their potential earnings. What is the distinction between mutual funds and hedge funds? In the following paragraphs, we will discuss some of the features of hedge fund.

Leverage is Frequently in Hedge Funds

As a common strategy, hedge funds frequently use borrowed capital. This approach allows hedge funds to take on more high-risk short bets, allowing them to earn more money. As seen by the 2008 financial crisis, excessive leverage can harm not only hedge funds but also other vital sectors of the economy.

Hedge Fund Managers have a Great Deal of Discretion

Investment policy regulations are the only item that can prevent a hedge fund from making investments. Hedge funds are able to invest in a variety of assets, including land, real estate, stocks, derivatives, and even currencies. Mutual funds, on the other hand, invest exclusively in long-term equities and bonds and do not diversify their holdings.

Average Investor is Prohibited in Hedge Funds

Only “qualified” investors are permitted to purchase hedge funds. Investors that qualify have a two-year average income of $200,000 or a $1 million net worth (excluding the value of their primary residence).

Some businesses have more fundamental prerequisites to get started than others. Since the SEC does not actively monitor hedge funds, it has ensured that they adhere to certain regulations. Investors may participate in hedge funds if they can demonstrate that they meet the conditions.

Hedge Fund Have Fee Arrangement Refer as “2 and 20”

In 2017, the average cost of investing in mutual funds was 0.50 percent, a significant decrease from the prior few years. In contrast, hedge funds have a fee structure known as “2-and-20,” which consists of 2 percent of AUM plus 20 percent of net gains. Fees are structured in this manner.

Benefits of Hedge Fund

Hedge funds are a types of financial vehicle that can only be utilize by approved investors. Accredited investors include wealthy individuals, major financial institutions, and government bodies. The term “hedge” is derive from the fact that the original objective of these funds was to reduce their risk exposure by employing a “long-short” strategy for stocks. These investments possess all of the characteristics that are typical benefits of hedge fund.

Diverse Portfolio

A person who invests can reduce the amount of risk they are expose to by maintaining a diverse portfolio of investments. Typically, hedge funds own a variety of assets, including stocks, bonds, real estate, shares, and derivatives. The only thing preventing them from including all asset classes is the extent of their mandate.

High Net-Worth Investors

To invest in hedge funds, only authorize or institutional investors have permit. The majority of investors are wealthy individuals, banks, insurance firms, endowment funds, and pension funds. One billion dollars is the minimum amount that can contribute to one of these funds.

Greater Risks

Due to the manner in which hedge funds invest, there is a potential that they could sustain a substantial financial loss. In terms of finances, lock-in periods are typically extremely lengthy.

Because these funds utilize leverage, it is possible for investors to lose a substantial amount of money. Credit risk, liquidity risk, and operational risk are examples of more prevalent and straightforward financial issues to identify.


Hedge funds, which are Category III AIF funds, nonetheless cannot have the same tax status as pass-through enterprises. This means that investment funds are require to pay taxes on their profits. As a result, the owners of the units will not be require to pay the tax. This market sector is at a disadvantage since it cannot compete on a level playing field with other mutual funds.

Costs are Increasing

The spending ratio and the management fee are two of their most crucial concepts. The “Two and Twenty” global model consists of both a 2 percent fixed fee and a 20 percent profit sharing. The management fee for Indian hedge funds is often less than 2 percent and frequently less than 1 percent. Also, ten to fifteen percent of the overall earnings is typically divide among the individuals who created the product.


The Securities and Exchange Commission does not need hedge funds to register with them, nor are they required to provide periodic reports such as Net Asset Values. This regulation does not apply to hedge funds (NAV). As a result of financial regulation, which is a way to keep an eye on the financial industry and safeguard the economy as a whole, the sector is subject to a large number of rules and laws.

Should Investors Invest in Hedge Funds?

Hedge funds are a types of mutual fund privately manage by a group of season financial professionals. Consequently, the cost of these items is frequently a little bit more. This means that only wealthy individuals can afford them and even consider utilising them. To work with a manager that buys and sells assets quickly to keep up with market fluctuations, you must be financially secure and willing to assume a great deal of risk.

There is a clear correlation between the degree of structural complexity and the rise in associated dangers. The cost ratio, which represents the fee paid to the fund manager, is significantly greater for hedge funds than for traditional mutual funds. It could be anywhere from 15% to 20% of your entire income. We recommend that persons who have never invested before avoid these funds unless they have extensive investment experience.

In any case, the fund’s long-term performance will depend on its management. Therefore, investing in hedge funds could be stressful if you do not trust the fund’s managers.


To select a successful hedge fund, an investor must first determine which criteria are most essential to them and what kind of performance to expect from each. These rules can be based on absolute values, such as annual returns of more than 20% over the previous five years, or relative values, such as the largest hedge funds based on assets under management. Regardless of perspective, that is merely the initial step in making a decision.